
It was 5:29am in the morning and for some strange reason I was hanging upside down. I was not sure how I reached in that position, as just a few hours back I was nicely tucked in my bed after having my food. There was a total chaos in the room and my whole body felt a bit slimy. My body was shivering with cold and that's when I realised I have been pulled out of my house. I cried out loud but the people in the room went about their work as if I did not exist.

Then all of a sudden I was bought down to earth and was laid on a soft towel. Two sets of hands were all over me with one set checking my fingers, toes and nails while the other was using the towel to clean me off the slimy stuff. I was a bit relieved but at the same time confused as to why I was disturbed from my sleep and made to go through these tortures.

My routinue had been pretty simple from the time I remember - mostly it has been eat and sleep though occasionally when I was bored or did not get sleep I used to roll sideways on my bed or kick the walls. I was trying to think what could have gone wrong when all of a sudden a gush of warm water was poured over my shoulder. I screamed aloud again out of shock but this time around the hands took turn to scrub me and literally peal the skin out of my body. This continued for the next 2-3 minutes but for me, who was never been in such uncomfortable position before, it was like 200 years.

Though the whole act of pouring water was painful it did get rid off the slimy stuff and now I felt as if I have been purified. For the first time after being woken up from my sleep I was all alone in the room and used the oppurtunity to look around and find where I was. I could not move my legs or hands as I was bundled up in a cloth, but this, I did not mind because I was getting the warmth which I had been missing for sometime. As I was trying to make out the items in the room something was thrust onto my chest through the cloth. It was placed on various parts of my body and I had no idea what was happening. Were they trying to hurt me or extract something from my body. Was I being used as a specimen for some test or was this all just a bad dream.

Somebody then carried me over to a bed and placed me next to a woman. From her face I could tell that she too had undergone some painful experience recently but somehow there was a glow of happiness when she saw me. She carried me in her arms and it felt like I was back home. Something flashed across my mind and I remembered my last meeting with God. I had just won a game of chess with him and he was ready to fulfill one wish of mine. I thought a lot and said that I would like to stay with God in Heaven for sometime. He said that would not be possible but instead would send me to a very beautiful place called Earth where he would be with me in the form of my Mother and Father. As it would take me 9 months to reach earth he provided me with a home where I could sleep and eat well.

As the whole idea of being on earth dawned upon me, my mother kissed me on my forehead and slowly I fell asleep without any worries as I knew I was with GOD.

1 comment:

Vijay Kaundal said...

Excellent Jai!! This was a treat to read, I have always felt that kids have their own world, they always try to communicate in their own language which we fail to understand (barring the parents probably!) because we feel they are KIDS!!

Anyways this constantly reminded me of Stewie Griffin from the show 'Family Guy' :)