The Electricity Bill - Part II

As with any other human being I was at a cross-road in my life with 1 path leading me to a higher percentage in Board exam and the other to some moments of pleasure. As I stood for a moment looking at the 2 roads my brain was working much quicker than any computer, in setting up scenarios and their solutions when I return back after a game of cricket. The delay factor could be attributed to a long line at the electricity office, the sweat could be attributed to standing in sun etc.

Everything looked perfect, the decision was made and I turned towards the ground. My friends were both surprised and happy to see me. I told them that I had got permission to play for sometime and therefore I would be playing only 1 match and would head back as soon as the match is over. Was not able to concentrate much on the cricket as my mind was full of thoughts - what would happen if my mom comes to know about this, is anybody from our building walking in the area, will I be able to successfully sell my points to mom. The game was over with our team being victorious. Now to the last and most important part of my plan - getting back home.

My friends were tired after the game and with my house being near they decided to have water from my house. This scenario was never in my mind and now I was in trouble. Luckily one of guys suggested that they should not waste time and start of with the next game, complete it and then get back home. The others agreed and I was once again on my cycle pedalling back home. I was thinking how lucky I am and now I was sure with this incident going my way the whole plan should come out well. I kept on rehearsing the dialogues to be told to mom as I was riding back.

I parked my cycle and went to the door and rang the bell. Mom opened the door and she had a frown on her face. My heart sank for a moment but somehow I mustered energy and got in without looking at her face. As I had imagined, she questioned me why I was late and the confident me was ready with the answers. However she did not seem to accept any of them. I tried to impress her by showing my frustration on the long line I saw and the lack of shade at the electricity office but somehow I was getting the feeling that I was speaking more to the wall or myself rather than my mother. Then she asked me a question - "Did you go to play?" That one really caught me off-gaurd but I recovered back to answer in negative. My answer woke up the CBI officer in my mother and the interrogation started. "Why are you sweating so much?", "Why is there so much dust on your shirt", "Why was there a coating of mud on my slippers" etc. My brain was churning out the best answers possible in that situation -"sweating due to heat", "there was a lot of traffic near the office and dust must have settled on my shirt", "slippers have been like this for quite sometime". The more her questions the more my confidence was sinking. Though I was satisfied with the answers I gave my mother was never and she was hell bent that I was playing. I was losing the battle but kept on with version of the story hoping that there should be some light at the end of the tunnel.

My mom then took her favorite wooden lantle and this spelt doom for me. I was now mentally preparing to get a thrashing, but still trying to convince her that I was at the electricity office and not at the playground. At this very moment I heard somebody calling 'Jairaj...Jairaj'......

continued Part III

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