The Surprise - Part 1

"Coimbatore 9:15" read the board on the bus and exactly the same was printed on Anil's ticket. He got into the bus and swiftly moved to his seat which luckily was near the window. Anil could not sleep much while travelling and hence always preferred to have the window seat, as that would help him kill time by trying to see something through the window in the darkness. As all the passengers took their seat the bus slowly started pulling out of the bus station.

Anil was 27 years old and working in an IT company in Chennai with his parents settled in Bangalore. He was doing well in life - good job, decent pay, probable onsite opportunities, happy and surrounded by friends always. With life flowing smoothly his parents had decided that the time has come to get him married. Anil too felt that it was good time to start off with the proceedings, as he felt it would at least take 6 to 12 months to find a suitable match so better start off early than late. As with all parents, Anil's were also looking for a suitable bride from their own community and within a couple of weeks a good proposal came in through a common friend. The girl Lata was working as a supervisor at a hospital in Coimbatore and that is where Anil was headed for this weekend.

As the bus sped through the busy areas of the city Anil's thoughts were taken to the incidents that happened through the last week. Last weekend he was at home in Bangalore when for the first time he saw Lata's photo, which was sent by her father after the initial discussions between the parents. Instantly he felt that she is the one God has created for him and somehow felt this proposal would culminate in his marriage. Within a couple of hours he was able to get Lata's mobile number from her parents after he expressed his desire to speak with her. He dialled the number on Sunday evening before he left for Chennai. The phone rang for sometime and just as he was about to cut the line, somebody picked up the phone and said 'Hello'. Anil introduced himself and in turn Lata too. They hit it off instantly and went on talking over the phone for 20 minutes. Anil wanted to make sure that Lata was genuinely interested in him and was not under any parental pressure and to an extent Lata too wanted to make sure of the same. With the phone call done, Anil turned to his parents who could make out that the call went off smoothly. Now the next step was a formal meeting, but as Anil's father was going abroad for 3 weeks on an official trip, they decided to go to Coimbatore after that.

Anil left for Chennai that night fully satisfied with the planning. He was back at office on Monday, but somehow he was not able to concentrate on his work. He wanted to talk to Lata and get to know her more but was a bit hesitant. He then decided to send her a SMS enquiring enquiring how her day was going. She replied back instantly and that gave the confidence for Anil to call her up. Once the initial hiccup was overcome, they were constantly on phone and talking to each other for the next 2 days. With each and every moment passing by Anil was sure that Lata and he were made for each other as they liking and disliking were almost similar and their thoughts matched in all the topics they discussed under the sun. It was Thursday evening and Anil had enough of the telephone talks and he went ahead and booked a ticket to Coimbatore. He was going to meet her as he did not have the patience to wait for 2 more weeks. Lata had an off on Sunday and hence he planned to reach there and then call up Lata and give her a surprise. He did not get a return ticket on Sunday but that was the last thing on his mind and was sure he should be able to manage one after reaching Coimbatore or may be take the train.

With these thoughts Anil slept peacefully in his window seat......

The Eelctricity Bill - Part III

I was woken up by a jolt from my sleep and everything would have been back to normal had this been a scene in a movie. Alas, this was life and voice shouting out my name belonged to my friend who had decided that he should have some water. Bad timing - I felt like jumping out and shutting his mouth but as fate would have it my mother moved towards the balcony. After casual questioning my mother got the required confirmation and seeing her face turn red my friend sought of got wind of the situation and ran back to the play ground.

30 minutes passed and I was in a corner of my room going through the various designs on my legs - yes they were due to the sound thrashing I received - when my mother came across with my lunch. I knew she was sad for what she did, but then when I told her that it was fine and I deserved it for lying to her she gave me a smile and then we had lunch together.

After that it was back to routine and I was back to the world of Mughal empire and in the back of my mind I decided never to lie to my parents. As I think now, all these years I have paid the electricity bill many times but the only one fresh in my memory is this one - why??

The Electricity Bill - Part II

As with any other human being I was at a cross-road in my life with 1 path leading me to a higher percentage in Board exam and the other to some moments of pleasure. As I stood for a moment looking at the 2 roads my brain was working much quicker than any computer, in setting up scenarios and their solutions when I return back after a game of cricket. The delay factor could be attributed to a long line at the electricity office, the sweat could be attributed to standing in sun etc.

Everything looked perfect, the decision was made and I turned towards the ground. My friends were both surprised and happy to see me. I told them that I had got permission to play for sometime and therefore I would be playing only 1 match and would head back as soon as the match is over. Was not able to concentrate much on the cricket as my mind was full of thoughts - what would happen if my mom comes to know about this, is anybody from our building walking in the area, will I be able to successfully sell my points to mom. The game was over with our team being victorious. Now to the last and most important part of my plan - getting back home.

My friends were tired after the game and with my house being near they decided to have water from my house. This scenario was never in my mind and now I was in trouble. Luckily one of guys suggested that they should not waste time and start of with the next game, complete it and then get back home. The others agreed and I was once again on my cycle pedalling back home. I was thinking how lucky I am and now I was sure with this incident going my way the whole plan should come out well. I kept on rehearsing the dialogues to be told to mom as I was riding back.

I parked my cycle and went to the door and rang the bell. Mom opened the door and she had a frown on her face. My heart sank for a moment but somehow I mustered energy and got in without looking at her face. As I had imagined, she questioned me why I was late and the confident me was ready with the answers. However she did not seem to accept any of them. I tried to impress her by showing my frustration on the long line I saw and the lack of shade at the electricity office but somehow I was getting the feeling that I was speaking more to the wall or myself rather than my mother. Then she asked me a question - "Did you go to play?" That one really caught me off-gaurd but I recovered back to answer in negative. My answer woke up the CBI officer in my mother and the interrogation started. "Why are you sweating so much?", "Why is there so much dust on your shirt", "Why was there a coating of mud on my slippers" etc. My brain was churning out the best answers possible in that situation -"sweating due to heat", "there was a lot of traffic near the office and dust must have settled on my shirt", "slippers have been like this for quite sometime". The more her questions the more my confidence was sinking. Though I was satisfied with the answers I gave my mother was never and she was hell bent that I was playing. I was losing the battle but kept on with version of the story hoping that there should be some light at the end of the tunnel.

My mom then took her favorite wooden lantle and this spelt doom for me. I was now mentally preparing to get a thrashing, but still trying to convince her that I was at the electricity office and not at the playground. At this very moment I heard somebody calling 'Jairaj...Jairaj'......

continued Part III

The Electricity Bill - Part I

The 10th standard board exams were round the corner and half of the study holiday's were over. I was tired of reading the same subjects all over again but did not have any other choice.
I had fixed timings to study and it was something like this,

Getup in the morning and complete my bath and breakfast by 9:00am
9:00am to 12:00pm - First Study session
12:00pm to 1:30pm - Lunch break
1:30pm to 4:00pm - Second study session
4:00pm to 6:00pm - Snack break
6:00pm to 8:00pm - Third study session
8:00pm to 10:00pm - Dinner and TV break
10:00pm to the time I sleep - Fourth Study session(Usually by 10:10 I would be yawning and giving signals to Mom)

Just 1/3rd of a day for studies should not be much of a pain, looking at it now, but during those days it was a real punishment for me. I was never able to concentrate on anything subject for more than an hour and usually after the initial period my concentration would wander off to the happengings around me like friends playing outside and programs running on TV. My classmates who were well off in studies used to play cricket now and then but I was never able to join them as my parents felt that I should concentrate completley on studies and should not be distracted by sports. Ofcourse I was against it, but then I did not have either the guts to fight back nor the marks to prove that I was good in studies.

It was a tuesday morning and as I was just completing by breakfast the phone rang. My classmates were planning to have a game of cricket at 9:00 at the ground behind my house and were checking if I would be joining them. My answer was a firm no as I knew my mother would never allow me to play with the board exams 20-25 days away. I went into my room and took my History book and as I was reading through the various battles that Babar and Akbar fought my mother called out to me. Any sort of break from studies was welcome and I ran to my mother. My father had forgotten to pay the electricity bill and as it was the last day she asked me if I could go and pay the bill. Had it been any other day she would have ordered me to go, but as I was studying she wanted to check if I would be free. For me too if this had been any other day I would have postponed it or thrown a fit to go out, but to escape from studies I was ready to do anything. Without a frown on my face I collected the bill and money from my mother and set out to pay the bill.

The electricity office was just 5 minutes away via a short-cut path through which I could have walked, but I took out my cycle and used the long route. I was expecting a huge line at the electricity office and was praying to God that the line be big enough so that I need to return back only by lunch. But as fate would have it there was not a single soul in the office and it was as if the electricity office was opened for me to go and pay the bill. Mom had given me the exact change so the whole transaction was over in 2 minutes and there I was standing with the receipt and my dreams shattered.

As I slowly started pedalling back home, I reached a junction with road splitting into 2 directions. The one to left would take me back home, while the one to the right would take me to the ground where my friends were playing.

continued in part II


It was 5:29am in the morning and for some strange reason I was hanging upside down. I was not sure how I reached in that position, as just a few hours back I was nicely tucked in my bed after having my food. There was a total chaos in the room and my whole body felt a bit slimy. My body was shivering with cold and that's when I realised I have been pulled out of my house. I cried out loud but the people in the room went about their work as if I did not exist.

Then all of a sudden I was bought down to earth and was laid on a soft towel. Two sets of hands were all over me with one set checking my fingers, toes and nails while the other was using the towel to clean me off the slimy stuff. I was a bit relieved but at the same time confused as to why I was disturbed from my sleep and made to go through these tortures.

My routinue had been pretty simple from the time I remember - mostly it has been eat and sleep though occasionally when I was bored or did not get sleep I used to roll sideways on my bed or kick the walls. I was trying to think what could have gone wrong when all of a sudden a gush of warm water was poured over my shoulder. I screamed aloud again out of shock but this time around the hands took turn to scrub me and literally peal the skin out of my body. This continued for the next 2-3 minutes but for me, who was never been in such uncomfortable position before, it was like 200 years.

Though the whole act of pouring water was painful it did get rid off the slimy stuff and now I felt as if I have been purified. For the first time after being woken up from my sleep I was all alone in the room and used the oppurtunity to look around and find where I was. I could not move my legs or hands as I was bundled up in a cloth, but this, I did not mind because I was getting the warmth which I had been missing for sometime. As I was trying to make out the items in the room something was thrust onto my chest through the cloth. It was placed on various parts of my body and I had no idea what was happening. Were they trying to hurt me or extract something from my body. Was I being used as a specimen for some test or was this all just a bad dream.

Somebody then carried me over to a bed and placed me next to a woman. From her face I could tell that she too had undergone some painful experience recently but somehow there was a glow of happiness when she saw me. She carried me in her arms and it felt like I was back home. Something flashed across my mind and I remembered my last meeting with God. I had just won a game of chess with him and he was ready to fulfill one wish of mine. I thought a lot and said that I would like to stay with God in Heaven for sometime. He said that would not be possible but instead would send me to a very beautiful place called Earth where he would be with me in the form of my Mother and Father. As it would take me 9 months to reach earth he provided me with a home where I could sleep and eat well.

As the whole idea of being on earth dawned upon me, my mother kissed me on my forehead and slowly I fell asleep without any worries as I knew I was with GOD.


She entered my life in 2007
Ever since I have been in Heaven.

She takes care of me like a mother
About her own life she never has a bother.

She is a Doctor by profession
But be it any field, she is never short of a suggestion.

She fulfills all my wishes
By preparing all of my favourite dishes.

She loves to eat ice-creams and Chocolates
Never without me for which I should give her accolades.

She walks with anger at the tip of her nose
But her smile always reminds me of a blooming rose.

She loves the colors of Rainbow
In front of all her paintings I take a bow.

She loves to take snaps
And even more, her afternoon siesta and naps.

She is the soul of my life
And with God's grace she is legally my wife.

The OS Open

Roger federer had just completed the unthinkable - Winning 5 US Opens on the trot and now I was on my way to the court to play in the OS Open.

Well to clear any doubts on if I am a professional tennis player - Old Shepherd is the name of the Apartments where I live and any game played on the court in the apartment complex comes under OS Open(sorry if it sounds similar to US Open).

I reached the court and found that there are already 2 teams fighting it out for supremacy on the hallow turf and resign to the fact that I will have to wait until the match is over. There is only 1 court to play and so you will have to wait for your turn, which on a given day, would be 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile I am joined by my partner Muki and we start discussing about the our day in office and vent out our frustrations.

Soon the players clear the court for the STARS and we start off with a 15 minute practise session. What I like about this session is whatever shot I try during this period comes out perfectly be it a drop, cross court shot, overhead smash or backhand slice. As any sports person would say - "I am in the Zone" during the practise sessions.

The day we are joined by other players, Muki and I forge together to form the Fed brothers team and then set a target score to defeat our opponents usually 6-0 or 6-1. There have been instances when we have achieved the target, however it is a big fight in most of the cases and we start changing the targets as the match proceeds(asin we loose games in the set). All those shots which would have made Federer proud during our practise start falling like nine pins. At times we do end up playing badminton wherein the ball is in air between the teams.

The condition is the same when we play singles, balls tend to catch the net or go out long. The only good thing about playing singles is you end up running a lot thereby burning a small amount of fat - which was our ultimate when we started playing tennis. Both of us are almost evenly matched with the set going to the last possible game and usually won by the person who is least tired at that moment. We try to play as many games as possible as it is not always that we get the court free.

Today's game was pretty good but unfortunately could not play the full length as the sprinklers in our apartment started off and instead of watering the lawns they were wetting the court. We did try our best to play with the water on court but then better sense prevailed lest we fall and get injured. We walked back home with our hopes for a new edition of the O.S Open to be played tomorrow after all unlike US open, which happens once a year, OS Open can be played daily.

A Day In My Life @ PLANO

"Arrey Oh Samba..." That's not the dialogue from the movie Sholay but my mobile alarm ringing at 7.30am in the morning. 3 more snoozes and it calls out again "Arrey Oh Samba. Yeh Phone kab se baj raha hain". 7.45am read the panel on the mobile and that's the last minute I can be on bed. I head straight out to the hall and search for my most precious possession - my Dell D610. With eyes half closed I log in into outlook to check if there any bombs that have exploded during my sound sleep and to check the meetings that I have for the day. Then a round of checking personal mails -> Gmail and Orkut -> with more time on Orkut to check the updates in other's profiles(Proves that I am still Indian at heart - more worried about what is happening in others life).

After completing the morning ablutions and having a lovely breakfast prepared by my wife I set off in my Camry listening to my current favorite song - "Pappu can't Dance sala". As I cross the different signals I cast my eye on the various gas stations checking out the price, as this is the only thing that keeps changing during my 6 mile drive from home to office and back.

After connecting my Laptop to the network and answering the important mails I search for the my red and blue card(secureID) to log in into my own official mailbox(that's the 3rd time I am checking my mail for the day). Luckily this one is easy, as mostly it is just a couple of general mails and a few entertaining forwards. Now that 3rd mailbox is over, it is back to issues and tickets for the day with a couple of breaks used to update my self with the latest news in sports world especially Formula one.

Lunch, usually is a ride back home to have some rice and special south Indian curry prepared by my Wife. This is going to be just for a few more days as she is going to join a college for her studies and I would have to start bringing a lunch box. After the sumptuous lunch its 20 minutes on Card sharks(An old show but somehow I like this game very much) on GSN and then back to office.

Post lunch the initial 30-60 minutes is the hardest part of the day as my eyes long to sleep but being in office I can't and to pass over this period I usually depend on some chatting with my cubicle mate or just try to read some interesting articles. Meanwhile the tickets, meetings and issues do keep coming in and the most interesting part is how they come. There are days when you are longing for some ticket or issue to come-up and then there are days when you wish you had not come to office. The best past of meetings is usually the main agenda of the meeting is discussed only for a 40-50% of the duration of the meeting and remainder is spent in some intereseting anecdotes from the people in the meeting.

Evenings at home begins with some snacks and a game of cards with my wife, with me winning most of the days(She is going to go RED when she reads this :-)) and then it is Bingo-Lingo hour on GSN. After that a round of Virtual tennis on my Xbox where I try to up the ranking of my player - JAYUMON - who is currently at World rank 71.

My wife and I have 2 (web cam) meetings on either side of the dinner. The first with my in-laws and the second with my parents. Usually its the updates of the day from both sides(sorry if it sounds similar to conference calls :-). After that its time to do some exercise - lazy to run around so just do 2 rounds of walking around the Apartment complex. Then comes the offshore call(kind of rare these days) after which I call it a day. With a brief rewind of the happenings in the day in my mind I go to sleep waiting for the call - "Arrey oh Samba...Yeh Phone kab se baj raha hain"