She entered my life in 2007
Ever since I have been in Heaven.

She takes care of me like a mother
About her own life she never has a bother.

She is a Doctor by profession
But be it any field, she is never short of a suggestion.

She fulfills all my wishes
By preparing all of my favourite dishes.

She loves to eat ice-creams and Chocolates
Never without me for which I should give her accolades.

She walks with anger at the tip of her nose
But her smile always reminds me of a blooming rose.

She loves the colors of Rainbow
In front of all her paintings I take a bow.

She loves to take snaps
And even more, her afternoon siesta and naps.

She is the soul of my life
And with God's grace she is legally my wife.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A poetic presentation. We are glad to learn about the inner feeligs of Jayumon to Shanthi. God bless you. Remain the same way although. Should love each other - one should fail the other in loving and caring. Ok Mummy and Pappa